National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Harrison Township Police Department 199 Colson Lane, Mullica Hill, NJ, United States

Our Police Department is participating in the DEA's 26th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, offering safe disposal for unused medicines, vaping, and e-cigarettes devices. Please remember to remove the batteries.

Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Luncheon

Harrison Township Police Department 199 Colson Lane, Mullica Hill, NJ, United States

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, all Senior Residents of Harrison Township are invited to come and dine at the Thanksgiving Luncheon held by Harrison Township's Police department. Lunch pickups are available from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Call (856) 478-6839 to register.

National Prescription Take Back Day

Harrison Township Police Department 199 Colson Lane, Mullica Hill, NJ, United States

If you have some expired or unwanted prescription drugs that need to be disposed, stop by the police department and drop them off to safely dispose of them!