The Wastewater Department is the municipal utility responsible for treatment of all municipal wastewater. The department overseas and maintains 18 pump stations approximately 18 miles of force mains, 40 miles of gravity lines along and nearly 1000 manholes. Wastewater is pumped through this system to the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), located on Woodland Avenue. Upon receipt of raw wastewater, it will go through several treatment procedures before the fully treated water is discharged into Raccoon Creek.
You can view Raccoon Creek’s current conditions for Discharge, Gage Height, Specific Conductance,
and more here.
SEWER is a description from history to describe what use to be combined systems. Today we use Wastewater to identify product being sent down your home drains and toilet. We use Stormwater to identify the system that manages surface water generated by rain and snow.
Q.Where do I go to pay my sewer (Wastewater) bill?
A. The township’s Tax Collector’s office is located in the Municipal Building and is responsible for collecting sewer fees as well as property taxes. For information on your sewer bill you may contact the Tax Collector at (856) 478-6454 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or make payments online here.
Q.What purpose does the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) serve?
A. The WWTF is the municipal utility responsible for treatment of all raw sewerage. Wastewater is pumped to the facility (located on Woodland Avenue) and goes through a number of treatment procedures before being discharged as treated effluent to the Raccoon Creek. The WWTF maintains a collection system that includes eighteen (18) pump stations and about 18 miles of force mains, and 40 miles of gravity lines along with close to 1000 manholes.
Q.I am having issues with my water service (odor, pressure, etc.), can you help?
A. Unfortunately, no. The water service in Harrison Township is owned and operated by New Jersey American Water, who can be reached by calling 1-800- 652-6987.
Q.Why are there men from the Township’s WWTF in my yard and what is the purpose of the colored paint / flags?
A. When someone is going to dig, the law requires they call for a ‘mark out’ of buried utilities before beginning their intended project. Different utilities use different color flags to mark their specific lines; the WWTF staff uses green paint and flags to mark the Harrison Township wastewater lines.
Q.What is that 4 inch cap in my yard and why do I need to keep it exposed?
A. It is the homeowner’s access to the wastewater lateral from your home to the line in the street. You should keep it exposed so if a blockage occurs, the line can be easily located. For questions about a particular problem or blockage you may contact the WWTF at (856) 478-4333.
Q.What is a Sewer System?
A. As you know, domestic wastewater is discharged from plumbing fixtures and appliances found in your home. From your home runs a line called a ‘lateral’, which ties directly into the gravity line located in the street. The gravity line, which is owned and maintained by the township, has manhole access about every 250 feet for cleaning and maintenance purposes. Throughout the system are ‘pump stations’. Pump Stations are used for pumping the product from a low elevation, to a higher elevation. The ultimate goal is that the wastewater will eventually reach the WWTF plant.
Q.How does the township manage storm water?
A. The townships storm drain system is designed to route all untreated runoff from impervious surfaces including roofs, parking lots, roads, sidewalks, and other hardened surfaces. The system is supplied by storm drains that can be seen on roads and in parking lots. The storm drain system is made up of numerous basins which receive untreated runoff and help to control flooding within the township. These basins, which can be as large as a football field, not only prevent flooding but also promote the recharge of underlying aquifers.
In the best interest of our community, Harrison Township has adopted ordinances to regulate the impact of stormwater runoff on the environment. Mayor Wingate has compiled important information about these ordinances.