Contact Info


114 Bridgeton Pike
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.





Staff & Officials

Staff & Officials

About Us

The position of Municipal Clerk is a statutory one and is said to be the heart of the municipal operation. By virtue of the position, the Municipal Clerk serves as the liaison between elected officials and the township’s residents.

The Clerk serves as secretary to the Township Committee, secretary to the Municipal Corporation and custodian of the municipal seal. In this capacity she prepares the minutes for all township committee meetings, processes, records and files ordinances and resolutions, and arranges for legal advertising of ordinances as well as codification of newly adopted ordinances. She serves as Administrative Officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of pet, liquor and raffle/bingo licenses and permits.

As the Custodian of Records, The Municipal Clerk is responsible maintaining all contracts, deeds and other official documents; and for the implementation of local archives and records retention programs as mandated by the N.J. Division of Archives and Records Management (DARM). She is solely responsible for the acceptance and fulfillment of all requests for public records (OPRA).

The Municipal Clerk serves as the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Registrar of Voters in all elections held in Harrison Township, subject to Title 19 of the Revised Statutes. As the township’s election official she accepts petitions for vacancies in local elected offices, furnishes materials for local elections, selects polling areas and calculates and maintains custody of election results.

Pet Registration Form

Rules and Regulations

  • Township Ordinance No. 13-1992 requires that every person who owns, possesses keeps or harbors any and all cats or dogs within the limits of Harrison Township must obtain an annual pet license through the Municipal Clerk.
  • Pet registration begins January 1st of every year and must be submitted by March 31st.
  • Any and all registrations submitted after March 31st will be subjected to an additional $10.00 late fee PER pet registered.
  • Please Note: All pets must have up to date rabies vaccination upon registration. Rabies vaccinations must be valid through at least November 1st of each registration year. Pets with expired or expirations prior to November 1st will result in a denial of registration until the Municipal Clerk receives a re-vaccinated certificate.

How to Obtain a Pet License

  • Pet licenses can be purchased at the Municipal Building from the Municipal Clerk’s Office or
  • Mailed to the Municipal Clerk’s Office at 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk. Please note: All mailed registrations must contain a return envelope. Enclosed return envelopes allow for the Clerk to return your registration in a timely manner.

Required Items for In-Person or Mail Registration

Licensing Form

  1. Copy of Rabies Certificate (If currently expired)
  2. Copy of Neuter/Spay (If not currently of file)
  3. Payment method of (cash, check or money order ONLY)

Fees and Payment

  • Dog License: $8.20 Neutered / $11.20 Non-Neutered
  • Cat License: $2.00 Neutered / $5.00 Non-Neutered
  • A $10.00 additional fee per pet will be added to any and all registrations submitted after March 31st

(Cash, Check or Money Orders are the only accepted payment methods.)

Application for a Coin Drop Permit (PDF)

Rules and Regulations

  • An organization may ONLY solicit for two (2) days per year for ONLY four (4) hours per day.
  • Solicitation hours have been mandated between the hours of 8:00am and 12:00pm
  • Solicitation on a state highway is not permitted.

Required Items

  1. Application for a Coin Drop Permit
  2. Insurance Certificate
  3. County Approval (If applicable)
  4. List of individuals who will be accepting the contribution(s) with names, addresses, phone numbers, drivers’ license numbers and dates of birth
  5. Executed Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement
  6. List of proposed safety regulations

Coin Drop applications with all required items must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk. Applications can be submitted in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.

How the Process Works

  • All permit applications upon submission are processed and sent to the Chief of Police for a background and safety check. (Allow for 1-week)
  • Once approved by the Chief of Police the application is placed on the agenda of the next available Township Committee meeting for final approval by the Township Committee. Please note: Township Committee meetings are every first Monday and third Monday of each month with the exception of holidays. The Municipal Clerk will contact you regarding the decision from Township Committee and issuance of the permit.


Please note: All OPRA forms must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk. Forms can be submitted by mail, email, fax or in-person.

Application for a Street Opening Permit (PDF)


All applications with fees must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.

Required Fees

  1. Application Fee: $230.00
  2. Inspection Fee (minimum): $225.00

Please note: A separate check for $230.00 and $225.00 must be submitted.

Application for a Backyard Hen Permit (PDF)

Rules and Regulations

  • Applications must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.
  • Backyard Hen permits are annual and expire each year by December 31st. Residents require to reapply.

Required Fees

  • Backyard Hen Permit: $25.00
  • Payment method of (cash, check or money order ONLY)

Please note: Backyard Hen permit fees are annual.

Application for a Solicitation Permit (PDF)

Rules and Regulations

  • Township Ordinance 17-1991 requires any person, who goes from house to house, or from place to place offering or exposing food, merchandise, or services for present or future sale, or who engages in any of the foregoing activities from a location on the street or other public place must obtain a Solicitation Permit. Included in the definition are persons who go from house to house or place to place collecting information or financial contributions or distributing literature for potential profit, and for any other commercial purposes, other than charitable or protected free speech.
  • Any person desiring a license pursuant to this Ordinance must file an application with the Municipal Clerk. Applications can be submitted in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.
  • The application must be completed in triplicate and filed with the Clerk at least 30 days prior to the first day of the proposed activity.
  • Solicitation Permits are annual and expire each year by December 31st. Applicants require to reapply.
  • Each individual(s) involved is required to complete and submit their own application.

Required Items

  1. Application for Solicitation Permit
  2. Authorization to accept service of process
  3. Representation letter from employer
  4. Photo copy of current driver’s license
  5. New Jersey Sales Tax Certificate
  6. Proof of insurance
  7. Application fee
  8. Proof of Eligibility for exemption (If applicable)
  9. Federal taxpayer ID number
  10. Fingerprints (Information regarding the fingerprint process must be obtained through the Harrison Township Police Department. Contact: 856-589-0911)

Please note: All required items must be attached with the application upon submission to the Municipal Clerk. Applications with incomplete or missing items will NOT be accepted by the Clerk


  • Solicitation Permit: $50.00
  • Cash, Check or Money Orders are the only accepted forms of payment

How the Process Works

  • Permit applications upon submission are processed and sent to the Chief of Police for a thorough background check. (Allow for 1-week)
  • Once approved by the Chief of Police the application is placed on the agenda of the next available Township Committee meeting for final approval by the Township Committee. Please note: Township Committee meetings are every first Monday and third Monday of each month with the exception of holidays. The Municipal Clerk will contact you regarding the decision from Township Committee and issuance of the permit.

200’ Foot List Request Form (PDF)


  • All 200’ Foot List requests must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk
  • Requests along with fee(s) can be submitted in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.

Required Fees

  • Per Block: $10.00
  • Please note: Each requested block will require a $10.00 fee. Ex. Block 1 Lot 2, $10.00. Block 2 Lot 3, $10.00. Total cost: $20.00
  • Cash, Check or Money Orders are the Only accepted forms of payment

No Knock Application Form (PDF)


No knock application and fee must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk. Applications can be submitted in-person or mailed to 114 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Attention: Municipal Clerk.


  • No Knock Sticker: $5.00
  • Cash, Check or Money Order are the ONLY accepted forms of payment

Please Note: No Knock registrations are annual and due each year by December 31st. Residents required to reapply.

Voter Registration Form (PDF)

To register in New Jersey, you must be:

  • A United States citizen
  • At least 17 years old, though you may not vote until you have reached the age of 18
  • A resident of the county for 30 days before the election
  • A person not serving a sentence of incarceration as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States.

The registrant must complete a Voter Registration Application and/or Party Affiliation Form.

The registration deadline to vote in the next election is 21 days prior to the election day.

Click here for the New Jersey Voter Information Portal for any and all NJ Voter Information

Announcements & Updates