Harrison Township Bus Rental Guidelines
The “Senior Bus” has been purchased through the efforts of Township personnel and Senior Citizens. Its main function is to transport Harrison Township residents who are 55 years of age or older at no charge to the individual to various points as approved by Township personnel.
Harrison Township Commissions/Boards
- Harrison Township Commissions and/or Boards may use the bus if there is no conflict with Harrison Township Senior Citizen events. The township commission/boards will be required to pay the bus driver an hourly rate, tolls, parking and fuel. Hourly rates will be based on current costs. These expenses will be charged against the appropriate department.
Non-Township Related Groups
- Non-Township related groups may utilize the bus after the following requirements have been satisfied:
a. No conflicts with Harrison Township Senior Citizen events.
b. No conflicts with Harrison Township Commission and/or Boards use of the bus.
- The bus is reserved/scheduled through Harrison Twp. Rec. Senior Sub Committee.
- Organizations must present proof of insurance and a Hold Harmless Certificate at the time they submit the reservation form.
a. A reservation fee of $100.00 is required at the time the bus is being reserved/scheduled.
b. The reserving organization will be required to pay the bus driver hourly rate, tolls and the standard $1.50 per mile rate
- Riders must be able to enter and exit the bus without assistance. A caregiver or assistant 18 years or older may accompany the rider.
- Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited on the bus.
- The organization reserving the bus is responsible for the people riding the bus. The bus driver is responsible for the bus only.
- The organization reserving the bus must adhere to the Active Adult Bus Guidelines.
- The bus driver will inspect the bus following the use and report any damage or excessive cleaning that is required to the Township Administrator. The entity will be charged for repairs or professional cleaning as required and barred from future rental for a period to be determined by the Senior Sub Committee based on severity of the incident.
- Organizations may cancel their bus reservation no later than one week prior to the reservation without penalty. Cancellations less than one week prior to the reservation will result in forfeiture of the reservation fee.